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Cultivating Wise Money-Habits

Today, I want to chat with you about something that affects us all: MONEY. Specifically, let's dive into how we can develop healthy spending habits and create a positive money mindset. 

It's no secret that money plays a significant role in our lives. While it can bring joy and security, it can also cause stress and anxiety if mismanaged. 

Try to see money as a tool or a resource

I find that many Christians are nervous around the topic of money or making money, mainly because they've mis-quoted the scripture 1 Timothy 6:10 which says:  'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.'

It does not say that MONEY is the root of all evil - but that the LOVE OF MONEY is. When we place our trust in money rather than in God, this is when things become a bit tricky.

So let's see money for what it is - it is a tool or a resource we all need in order to live. We use it to trade on a daily basis. Money can buy us: food, electricity, water, travel, access to better healthcare, necessities and our wants and desires. 

But when you start spending over and above your means, which is very easy with access to credit these days, money can become more trouble than what it’s worth.

By implementing wise financial habits into your daily routine, you can regain control over your spending and make money a tool that empowers you rather than overwhelms you.

Define your financial goals

Just like any worthwhile venture, it's essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve financially. Set realistic short-term and long-term goals. Whether it's saving for a dream vacation, paying off debts, or building an emergency fund, having specific goals will help guide your financial decisions.

Track your spending

Knowledge is power. Keep a record of your expenses to get a clear picture of where your hard-earned money is going. It's eye-opening to see how those small daily purchases add up over time. There are plenty of budgeting apps and tools available that make this task easy-peasy! Looking for a simple printable version - try our Finance Organiser / Budget tracker.

Budgeting 101

Now that you have an overview of your spending patterns, it's time to create a budget. Assign each dollar a purpose, ensuring that your income covers your needs, savings, and a little room for fun too. Remember, a budget isn't meant to restrict you; it's a roadmap to help you achieve financial freedom. It’s all about balance!

Prioritise saving

Proverbs 21:20 reminds us of the wisdom in saving: "The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down." Make saving a priority in your budget, even if it means starting small. Cultivating a habit of regularly putting money aside will bring you peace of mind and help you achieve your financial goals over time. 

Needs vs Wants

This is something I’m always talking to my daughter about. She always says: ‘I need’ when asking for something and I have to, more often than not, remind her that it’s a nice-to-have rather than something she needs. In a consumer-driven society, these lines easily become blurred and it’s hard to see when something is an essential need vs just a temptation. I’ll be sharing an article on ‘10 Fun and Effective Ways to Help Children Manage Money’ soon - so keep an eye out for it.

Let’s Get Practical 

Before you click that button that says: BUY NOW, stop and ask yourself, "Is this something I truly need, or am I giving in to impulse?" 

By being mindful of your spending, you'll make more intentional choices and avoid unnecessary debt.

Practise delayed gratification

We live in an instant gratification world with a ‘fast-food’ or ‘microwave’ mentality. But delayed gratification is a true friend of wise financial habits. This is not new advice, but it is good advice. Before making a purchase, give yourself a cooling-off period. If you still feel the same desire after a day or two, go ahead and treat yourself. This way, you'll avoid impulsive spending and invest in items that truly bring value to your life. This is a difficult one as it can be difficult to let go of that beautiful dress, or that course you have convinced yourself you need. If you know a day or two is not enough - give yourself a week! I know it’s hard - but you can do it!

Seek out knowledge

Educating yourself about personal finance really is a game-changer. Read books, follow reputable financial blogs, or listen to podcasts on money management. The more you understand about money, investments, and savings, the better equipped you'll be to make informed choices for your financial well-being.

Celebrate Small Wins

Pat yourself on the back, my friend! Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small they are. Every step you take towards financial health matters. Treat yourself to a small reward when you reach a savings goal or pay off a debt. Celebrating achievements keeps you motivated and reinforces positive financial habits. 

By the way - celebrating does not need to include spending!

Why not go for a long walk with a friend instead?

Find a money-savvy app

With advanced technology at our fingertips, it’s really easy to find apps that can help you save, budget, invest and help you make better money choices every day. There are a few that I’ll share about in another article soon. Watch this space!

Use separate debit cards for travelling and one-off payments

We’ve been mindful about saving recently and one of our favourite ways to do so is to use a separate debit card that’s not linked to our normal bank account. We chose to use MONZO.

It's so simple. We pre-load money onto it and pay for any small purchases and also use it when we travel. This way, we don’t overspend because there is a fixed amount (of our choosing) that can be used. For the same reason, if we ever lose it, we won’t have to worry that it’s linked to the bank which our salaries get paid into. Safety is key!


Monzo is giving you (& me) a FREE £5.00 when you sign up using my link and make your first transaction within 30 days. Who said there isn’t a thing like free money?

CLICK THIS LINK, sign up and get your free £5. Remember that you have to make your first transaction within 30 days to get your free fiver. 


We signed our daughter (she’s almost 10) to GOHENRY and we’ve loved how she can manage her pocket money, receive monetary gifts from friends and family and if you’re like us and never have spare cash lying around, she can even get paid by the tooth fairy for those pearly whites.

She has become so money-savvy and independent and watches her budget like a hawk. It really has been one of the best things for her when it came to teaching her about money. There’s also a money and investing course for kids which is great! 

Kids get a card with their own name on it eg: GOMADISON or GOJAMES and can choose their own design.

GoHenry is giving away £10 to every reader who uses my link. CLICK THIS LINK, sign up and get your Free £10. 

That’s £15 in total for free - So go ahead and get your free cash and start saving.

Want to earn a bit more from GoHenry? Every time you share your referral link (which you’ll get once you’ve signed up) and the person you shared it with, signs up too, you’ll get £30 - for free!

So in closing...


  • Building healthy spending habits takes time and patience. It’s a long game. 
  • With persistence and determination, you'll create a solid foundation for financial well-being and peace of mind.
  • Use tools like budget trackers, financial organisers and apps to help you stay focussed. 
  • Ask for help if you need it. 
  • Teach your kids healthy saving and spending habits
  • Be kind to yourself throughout this journey and don't let setbacks discourage you.
  • Tomorrow is another day.
  • Take it one step at a time
  • Always remember - You've got this!

Hope you’ve found this article useful. If there’s any other topics you'd like to hear more about about - please reach out and let me know.

Stay Blessed and In Him

Cindy x

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels