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Here's The One Important Thing I've Learnt About Our Identities in Christ

It’s that satan will try everything he can to stop you from walking in yours.

Do you want to know how he does that?

F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real.

Those thoughts that are going through your head like a hamster in a wheel - isn't WHO you really are. It's not WHO GOD created you to BE.

If you are going to overcome the lies:

  • the nagging shame and guilt
  • the past decisions that still hang over you
  • the feelings of unworthiness, like you're unqualified, unforgiven, and not loved
  • the feeling that you're never enough, or that you're doing this life on your own
  • The constant need to say yes and please everyone - and be loyal to the things that are in fact hurting you
  • or the constant feeling like you're an imposter when you are a workaholic with a high work ethic and you very well know you're capable of success.

If you want to feel empowered again - Then you're going to have to make a stand. You're going to have to choose. Yes, you're going to have to make the most important decision of your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" NLT


  • Freedom
  • Abundance
  • Everlasting Love (where there is NO FEAR) and
  • Joy and the
  • Insurmountable Peace (Shalom - where nothing is broken, nothing is missing and nothing is out of place)

that is waiting for you on the other side of where you are right now, then, you're going to have to choose the TRUTH. The truth of God's word.

In fact - You're also going to have to CHOOSE YOU.

If you've been struggling with fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness or feeling like God can never use you for His glory, I want you to reach out.

It's time to find God's perspective on the matter and I'm here to help facilitate you getting the answers to the questions that have been weighing down on your heart for so long.

Are you ready to take the next step. I'll be right there with you.

Reach out and book an OBLIGATION FREE 30min Explore Coaching session with me.

God has a plan and a purpose for your life and it's time you stop hiding in the shadows of your past and time you boldly stepped into your beautiful future WITH God.

  • Psalm 139:16 'You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.'
  • Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
  • Mark 9:23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
  • Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Book a quick coffee and chat to explore coaching

Who Does God Say You Are?

You're not the sum of your thoughts or your life experiences up until this point.

You're not:

Your past mistakes, the shame, the guilt, the feelings of unworthiness, or the feeling that you cannot be loved and can never be forgiven.

You're not alone and you're not a failure.



Life coaching can help bridge that gap, empower you with strategies rooted in faith and offer a personalised journey, providing guidance and support to align your current circumstances with the beautiful future and purpose that God has uniquely designed for you.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Overcome Limiting beliefs & Self-sabotaging behaviour & thoughts.

Are you tired of being held back by limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts? Are you ready to break free and step into a future where your faith and purpose guide you, rather than having your thoughts hinder you?

When you discover your identity in Christ, you'll discover freedom. Commit to yourself today that you'll stop being loyal to your own hurt. Take your confidence back and give yourself permission to start dreaming again.

Discover how life coaching can help you reprogram your mind with the Word of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, and learn to see yourself the way God does.

You Are Not Your Past!

So often we live our lives looking in the rear-view mirror. Your past decisions, whether that of your own or generations gone by, does not have to define you. The thing is - This is NOT WHO YOU ARE TODAY.

God calls you a Masterpiece. He sits back and looks at you in wonder as He marvels at your beauty. You're a reflection of Him.

It's time you saw yourself the way He does. Loved, Chosen, Redeemed, Called and His Daughter. There's so much freedom waiting for you when you choose to let go of the past and embrace your future with Him.

Start Dreaming Again!

  • Has the daily mundane routine of life caused you to stop dreaming and working towards goals? Do you find yourself reflecting on the passions and purpose you once held so close when you were younger? 
  • Has life left you feeling exhausted, disconnected without a clear picture of who you are and what you are meant to do with the rest of your life?
  • Feeling stuck in your career or don't know what the next step is to launching or growing your business? 

Whether your a committed mom, a career-driven woman or an entrepreneur, Co-creative life coaching can help you:

  • Reclaim the vibrant, purposeful life you've always imagined for yourself and can help you to start dreaming again.
  • Discover clarity about your next steps and set achievable goals to help launch you into your new future!

What people are saying

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Cindy has been used by God in mighty ways in my current season of life. She has helped me trust the leading of the Holy Spirit, encouraged me in my walk with God in so many ways. Cindy is warm, inviting and supportive. I can’t wait to continue the journey I’m in with her and God because I can see the progress I’m making even after only three calls.

I’ve been blessed and it was great because I went in not knowing what to expect and God just knew who and what I needed for this season and he used Cindy to really encourage me along. Thank you !

— C.D - Homeschooling Mom - Australia

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My coaching experience with Cindy enabled me to feel relaxed so I was able to open up to her. I also noticed that she was able to draw out my passion. She has a warm and welcoming coaching style that allows you to be yourself and motivates you to talk freely. As I was talking to Cindy, ideas came floating my way that seemed simple to put into action. I have taken small steps from our coaching session and can already see improvements.

I would recommend this coaching to anyone who wants to find their true purpose and impact

Others. Cindy does this out of her love for God to make a difference and this truly shows.

— TS - Entrepreneur - UK

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An excellent coach! You made me feel at ease and comfortable and helped me find what was already inside of me. I loved how you brought God into the session which just opened up so much more of His plans for my life. I will gladly recommend others get in touch with you.

— JA - Entrepreneur - Sweden

Designed and written by:

S.R.I - South Africa

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Take the first step and reach out to book your first coaching session. You never know how your life might change.

Please provide as much detail as you can in the message section.

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