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Run to your Father

I hope you'll read this to the end.

My little girl is a tough cookie. She’s independent, strong, and very strong willed. 

  • She’s only 10, but she sets her alarm for 20mins before she needs to wake up (every school day!)
  • gets dressed and ready
  • gets her own breakfast ready
  • sometimes puts in her own lunch. 
  • she even puts out my coat, scarf, hat and shoes so that she can get to school 20minutes early so that she can beat her friends. (I mean seriously!!!)  
  • she can make her own dinner when she’s tired of mom’s chicken or lasagna and wants to feel like a big girl
  • she loves feeling like she can do anything on her own. (Phil 4:13)
  • She’s already begging to go to the mall on her own - we’ve allowed this - but only when she was with a group of friends - and only with us hanging around…(It’s tough letting your kids grow up.)

But this post is not about how great she is…and some of you all may be thinking that I’m over-celebrating my little girl and you’d be right. We all should be celebrating our kids. They are a gift from God. They are so special and they’re a reflection of the Father’s heart - in the same way you and I are. 

But this is not about how great or how talented she is. No.

This morning, my girl slammed her fingers into the fridge doors. She does NOT cry easily (did I say how tough she is) But her little fingers were throbbing after it happened. She hadn’t even screamed when it happened so I was completely oblivious to it until she ran upstairs to my office where I was working.

She immediately crawled onto my lap and curled into my arms like she used to when she was a toddler. She just sat there as the tears rolled down her face while I tried best to comfort and console her.

It still amazes me to see how fragile my strong little girl can be when she is hurting. 

It made me realise:

  1. We can be strong, independent, strong-willed and be the one that gets stuff done! But we can also be fragile, vulnerable and in need of care and love. We don’t have to be one or the other
  2. She ran to someone she knew would nurture and love her when she was hurting. This is exactly what our Heavenly Father wants us to do. He wants us to Run to Him - When we’re crying, hurting, in pain or feeling lonely and overwhelmed by what the world is throwing at us. He is always there for us.
  3. It didn't take her long to recover. A few minutes later she was back downstairs doing what she was doing before it happened. And sometimes we just need time in the Father's arms and in His presence to hear how much He loves us and that He's taking care of us - for us to be able to keep going!
  4. She also comes to us for hugs and kisses when everything is going well - and these are the absolute best times because she doesn’t need or want anything. She just wants to be with us. She’s just coming in for a hug. To be close to us. 
  5. As our daughter, she knows where to go when she does need that help, comfort or a listening ear.

When we know our identity in Christ - We know WHO we can go to - to the One who will ALWAYS be there.

As strong, independent, strong-willed or tough we are - we always need someone to run to and comfort us. To listen to us. To hold us and just be there with us. To celebrate with us when things are going well. 

With God, we never have to have it all together. We never have to be in control. We can just BE with Him.

In His presence - is everything we need.

As we learn to let go and surrender to our Father, He will lavish us with His love and grace that will take us higher, further and deeper into all He has for us.

I'd love to hear if you've had similar revelations when engaging with your children. Please send me a message and let me know. I might just share it in my next newsletter.

Further Reading:

Psalm 55:22

Isaiah 41:10

1 Chronicles 16:11

Revelation 21:4

Psalm 139

2 Chronicles 7:14

Acts 17:27