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What's Your WORD for the Year?

At the start of the new year, many people around the world set goals and resolutions that tge majority of them will forget by the second or 3rd week of January. 

The reasons for this vary from - it was not: 

  • Achievable to begin with
  • Practical
  • Thought through at all
  • Everyone else was doing it
  • It just sounded like a good idea. 

While good intentions are great - it does not have what it takes to make a lasting impact. 

Most of us, in our hearts-of-hearts, want to change and grow - for some, it might be finding a new job and leaving that controlling boss behind; for others, it may be improving your financial or relationship status or you have a fitness goal. 

The thing is, if you don’t have a link between your goal and your heart, you are most likely not going to stick to it. 


Hearing from God is always (& I mean always!!) a good thing. So…As we start this new year, I want you to pray and ask God for a word that connects with your heart and that you know will spur you on through the rest of the year to grow in different areas of your life.  (It’s okay to have more than one word as long as you sense it’s what God wants for you.) 

Keep your word in front of you…stick it on your mirror, fridge, or office wall so that when you go through difficult times during the year and feel like giving up, look at your word and remember why God gave this word to you. 

This year my word is:  CALLED (Isaiah 43:1: I have called you by your name; You are Mine.)

I would love it if you would join the brand new Facebook group. (I’ve just set it up - so you may just be the first person to join!! More on it below) - Copy and paste this URL if the link above does not work:

I’ve created a post with my word - add your word in the comments and share the scripture it comes from (if you have one) and let’s encourage each other to remember their words! 

So What’s the Group about? 

🌟Welcome to The Embracing Grace Together Community! 🌟

🙌 Grace-Centered Journey: Jesus is the reason we’re here. With the Father and the Holy Spirit's guidance, we strive to live successful lives, honouring and giving glory to Him in all we do! 

🙏 Prayer Hub: Need prayer for ANYTHING? Our community is here to pray and lift you up when you need it most.

🤝 Supportive Space: Join fellow Christians in a supportive community, offering encouragement and friendship. 

🎯 Accountability Partners: Struggling to set or stick to your goals? Find a few friends and set monthly goals together and work as a community, so no one gets left behind. 

Welcome to a community centred on faith, love, and embracing God's grace.

Always remember you are Loved, Chosen and redeemed. 

Stay blessed and in Him

Cindy x

Need the link to the group again? Here you go!